All Mute Things Speak

‘Hautnah’ Concert Series: All Mute Things Speak

Soprano: Lara Secord-Haid
Piano: Daniel Seroussi

As our second concert in the ‘Hautnah’ series, soprano Lara Secord-Haid and pianist Daniel Seroussi performed a recital of poems from the languages of Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jewry, interwoven by modern and contemporary composers from Canada, Israel and France. The poets Rosalia de Castro, King Solomon, Yuval Rabin, Rosa Nevadovska and some mysterious but eloquent people whose names have been lost in history will be heard, as well as Sephardic music by local composer Sid Robinovitch.

Learn more about the ‘Hautnah’ Concert Series here.


February 17, 2024

Time: 19:00


Nostitzstrasse 6-7
10961, Berlin Kreuzberg