BRennende Sehnsucht

Love and Passion in Wagner’s “Ring”

"Brennende Sehnsucht" (Burning Desire) premieres in May 2025—an electrifying, fully staged reimagining of Wagner’s Ring Cycle.

Rather than a grand spectacle, we distill Wagner’s masterpiece to its emotional core:
two powerful love stories—Sieglinde & Siegmund, and Brünnhilde & Siegfried
brought to life in a visceral, intimate 60-minute performance, with an interval for socializing and audience interaction.

This is opera at its most raw, immediate, and deeply human.

Featuring excerpts from: Die Walküre and Siegfried (Der Ring des Nibelungen) by Richard Wagner.

  • In this intimately staged production, Wagner’s most passionate encounters are ripped from myth and dropped into the raw energy of modern life. Two legendary love stories unfold—not in distant Valhalla, but hidden places where desire defies fate.

    Die Walküre (The Stormy Encounter in a local Hideout)
    A man on the run. A woman trapped in a loveless life. On a stormy night, Siegmund crashes into Sieglinde’s world. As they talk, their connection deepens, and secrets are revealed. When Siegmund finds the hidden Nothung, they make their escape together, throwing caution and consequence to the wind.

    Siegfried (Seeing a Woman for the First Time)
    Siegfried grew up on the fringes, running with the rough crowd, always fighting to prove himself. He never knew his real roots, never had a family to call his own—just the survival instincts drilled into him by the man who raised him, someone who never told him the whole truth.

    Then he finds a woman —.

    For the first time, Siegfried sees someone not as a mystery to conquer but as a force to be reckoned with.

    This Ring isn’t about gods and heroes—it’s about us. Love and rebellion come together in an evening of passion.

  • Director: Detlef Sölter
    Piano: Suyeon Bang

    Siegmund: Kaine Hayward
    Sieglinde: Kristel Vinter Knudsen

    Siegfried: Markus Ahme
    Brünnhilde: Vanessa Lanch

Performance Dates:

Preview show

May 8, 2025

Time: 19:30

Bürgersaal Zehlendorf

Teltower Damm 18,
14169 Berlin


May 18, 2025

Time: 19:30

House of Music

Revaler Str. 99,
10245 Berlin

final show

May 24, 2025

Time: 19:30

Gemeindesaal Prieros

Prieroser Dorfstr. 18 a
Prieros, Brandenburg